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  • 2001kevinnguyen

My Journey In Photography

My interest in Photography started back in my sophomore year of high school. I took a "Photography" class as one of my electives and I continued to enjoy it ever since. This interest further progressed throughout my high school education. Every year from grade 10 - 12, I would take a photography, film, or media class for my electives. It wasn't until Grade 12, that I was able to buy myself my very first DSLR camera. I bought a Canon SL2 and it was a great starter camera for both photography and film. Later in my senior year, I didn't really know what I wanted to do for a career after high school. Since I was raised in an asian household, my parents wanted me to pursue a career like a doctor, computer science, or business. However, those career options didn't really interest me at all. I just knew I had an interest in art, so after high school, I decided to shoot more photos for my "application portfolio" and apply to Humber's Photography program.

For my "application portfolio", I mainly photographed "location portraits" and "still life" since I found shooting those the most fun for me.

Post Secondary

After graduating high school, I decided to pursue a higher education in Photography at Humber College. At first, I found the experience extremely daunting since I've never used equipment like the Broncolor Lights and my knowledge on photography was very limited. I definitely felt a huge case of "imposter syndrome" since I didn't know if I was good enough to be in this program. However, being at Humber these last few semesters really made it clear for me which kinds of photography I enjoy shooting the most and figure out my "style". I have mainly enjoyed shooting projects for Commercial and Location Photography. I'm proud of the images I was able to create so far with my knowledge and resources from this program. There is still lots for me to learn. These last 3 semesters have been a challenge due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, further restricting my education. However, I do wish to keep pursuing, learning, and getting better at Photography.

Feel free to contact me for any questions you may have!

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